September Member Profile: Greg Baldwin

September Member Profile: Greg Baldwin

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Greg Baldwin's friendly face has been seen around the Greater Midland Community Center for years. As a 12-year resident of Midland, Greg was pleased when he first came to the Center and realized it was a place for everyone and enjoys spending his time at the Center utilizing the lap pool.

Over the years of being a member, Greg has swum alongside young teens, 90-year-olds and everyone in between. Greg mentioned, "It is neat that we can all be together in the same pool at the same time doing our own thing."

He has created friendships with other lap swimmers at the Center and says, "We hold each other accountable. When someone doesn't show up, we worry when they are not there. It's nice to know someone will always be there and if you're not there, they care!" he emphasizes. 

Greg gives kudos to the Midland Community Center lifeguards for how well trained they are and know how to take charge in an emergency. Greg even mentioned when life slows down for him, he would possibly consider lifeguarding. He sees it as a way to give back and a chance to keep up on his years of aquatic experience. 

When asked about the new building, he said, "New is always nice." He looks forward to having a reliable pool to swim in and is glad he will still have a space to do what he loves, swim. "I don't know what I'd do if it all went away."