Have you recently upped your game or taken part in something new and found that you are sore as a result? I'm mean like super sore! Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS as it’s referred to, is a natural state of being sore as a result of performing intense workout routines or taking part in activities that your body is not accustomed to. Microscopic tears in your muscles tissues occur during new or intense activities and it’s believed that this contributes to the soreness. It’s the healing process of these microscopic tears that result in new muscle tissue development bringing about increased strength and elasticity. Currently there are no scientifically based “cures” for DOMS, however, some of the following ideas have been known to help people work their way through the symptoms.

·       Rest/Sleep
Making sure you get plenty of sleep and rest may be the most effective. Your body is a wonderful healing machine so consider kicking back and letting it occur.

·       Hydration
Always import, staying hydrated with plenty of water is one of the best ways to help your body flush toxins and prevent dehydration.  Dehydration could make your muscle soreness even more intense.

·       Nutrition
In order for your body to recover and develop it is essential that you eat properly. You need fuel to operate and heal. Carbs and proteins definitely help with muscle recovery but a well-balanced diet is typically best.

·       Light Exercise
While you certainly want to rest the recovering muscle groups it is often times beneficial to engage in some light activity. Going for a swim, a brisk walk or jog can get you going without extra strain on your healing muscles.

·       Massage / Foam Rollers
Some have found relief by massaging the sore areas or using foam rollers over the tender spots. Although there doesn’t appear to be sound medical evidence that this helps the healing process there is something to be said for simply feeling better!


Written By:
Mike Schafer
Wellness Manager